Music videos of the week: M.I.A., Jay-Z and Kanye West, Jack White

A slew of new music videos have hit the web this week, including clips from M.I.A., Jay-Z and Kanye West, Bruce Springsteen, and Jack White.

M.I.A.: "Bad Girl"British rapper M.I.A., aka Mathangi Arulpragasa, released the new single "Bad Girls" along with a video filmed in Morocco featuring car stunts and Arabian horses.

Jay-Z and Kanye West: "Niggas in Paris"Rappers Jay-Z and Kanye West released a clip for the Watch the Throne track "Niggas In Paris" that centers almost entirely on their live shows. Perry: "The One That Got Away"In her latest clip, pop star Katy Perry dons old-age makeup to ponder the lost love of her younger years. From her sophomore album, Teenage Dream.

Jack White: "Love Interruption"Former White Stripes member Jack White released the video for the first single from his forthcoming solo album, Blunderbuss.

Bruce Springsteen: "We Take Care of Our Own"American singer Bruce Springsteen premiered a new lyrics-subtitled video for the lead single from his upcoming album, Wrecking Ball, scheduled for release on March 5 in the UK and March 6 in the U.S.

Taylor Swift: "Safe & Sound"The first music video from the soundtrack for The Hunger Games, "Safe! & S ound" by Grammy winner Taylor Swift and the band the Civil Wars, released this week. The moody video shows Swift singing and strolling through the woods with cutaways to the Civil Wars (Joy Williams and John Paul White) performing in a cabin.

Damien Jurado: "Working Titles"American singer-songwriter Damien Jurado released a new clip for his tune "Working Titles" from his new album, Maraqopa.

Gloria Estefan: "Hotel Nacional"Cuban native Gloria Estefan premiered her new clip for "Hotel Nacional," the latest cut from her album Miss Little Havana.

EMA: "Take One Two"American indie singer EMA released a new single via her website on Tuesday along with a video for the track that features footage of her teen years in South Dakota. Campesinos!: "Songs About Your Girlfriend"On Tuesday, British indie band Los Campesinos released a David Spearing-directed video for a song from their recent album, Hellow Sadness.
