Kanye West tweets he will be the next Steve Jobs
RAPPER AND CLOTHES HORSE Kanye West had a rather inspired session on Twitter yesterday, and suggested that he and perhaps some people like him could save the planet.
The rapper, who incidentally claims to have not bought a car or jewelry in the last two years, thinks that the world is missing something, and apparently it is an amalgamation of him, Steve Jobs and, perhaps, Steve or Alexander McQueen.
The world will also be improved through the launch of a company called Donda that arranges MTV music events, and West said that it could change the world and the way it consumes music.
"Donda is a design company which will galvanize amazing thinkers and put them in a creative space to bounce there dreams and ideas...", he wrote.
"I am assembling a team of architects, graphic designers, directors musicians, producers, AnRs, writers, publicist, social media experts, app guys, managers, car designers, clothing designers, DJs, video game designers, publishers, tech guys, lawyers, bankers, nutritionist, doctors, scientist,teachers."
Once assembled these people will form Donda, which will be split into 22 divisions that will go around doing exciting things all the time. "We need to take what Michael Jackson felt and Mcqueen and Steve Jobs and we need make things better...", added West in a stream of messages that look like they were fueled by some strong substances.
"We need as many amazing powerful smart talented wealthy people to be involved... Come get on board... don't just sit there... reach out. We can collectively effect the world trough design. We need to pick up where steve jobs left off."
Where exactly that is we don't know, but we think it was Apple television or the Iphone 5, and we don't think that Apple would thank anyone else for releasing those.
Maybe file that one under 'don't do'.
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