Kanye West Teams With Angry Birds, Gives Us Plenty Of App Ideas

Kanye West

In news that either signifies the first phase of the DONDA world-domination plan or is a complete fabrication (since it was first "reported" by England's the Sun), Kanye West supposedly met with the developers of the ultra-addictive "Angry Birds" app earlier this month in London, where, according to a source, "they brainstormed ideas and talked about ways they could work together."

Obviously, this development is huge for anyone who enjoys both avoiding human interaction in all forms and limited-edition scarves, and while we can't vouch for the validity of the story (a spokesperson for West could not be reached for comment), the possibilities of a team-up between the rapper and Rovio already have our brains swirling. When it comes to Kanye-centric apps, the sky truly is the limit.

So, while we wait for any type of official confirmation on the collaboration our download fingers are already quivering with anticipation we've created a wish list of potential apps, all of which are not only Kanye ready, but waay better than that stupid "Plants v. Zombies" game. Play on, player.

"Angry Kanyes": Use your slingshot to launch mini Wests at various structures, taking out green pigs, nefarious journalists, unscrupulous award-show producers, angry exes and various members of the shadowy international cabal Kanye seems convinced are out to destroy him in the process.

"Westamatic": Automatically makes any photo look old, recalling a simpler time when no one had heard 808s & Heartbreak and still didn't know the correct pronunciation of! Kanye's first name.

"Yelp": Allows the user to write angry, ALL-CAPS missives about various establishments, perceived wrongdoings, and all manner of misappropriations. As a bonus feature, app automatically adds deliberate misspellings, additional exclamation points, bizarre asides, conspiracy theories and the occasional grammatical error. Also known as Kanye's old UniverseCity blog.

"iSarcophagus": Puts that p---y in a sarcophagus.

"AroundYe": Easily locates any restaurant, ATM, supermodel or Riccardo Tisci in your immediate vicinity.

"MyHAHN": Replicates that weird guttural yelp Kanye's been doing for a while now.

"N----s in Paris": Just repeatedly plays the song, kind of like Jay and Kanye did on the Watch The Throne tour.

