Kim Kardashian Kanye West Slammed By 50 Cent, Kim Called Trash

Rapper 50 Cent just threw down some fighting words ... and it was all about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Turns out 50 Cent isn't a fan of the dynamic duo, and expressed his feelings about their relationship in a recent interview with XXL magazine.

XXL asked 50 Cent about the latest song to come from Kanye, "Perfect Bitch." The new track is said to be about "his search for the perfect woman." In a tweet now deleted from Kanye's account, he confirmed that the song was about his current flame, Kim Kardashian. The tweet, captured by the Hollywood Reporter, states "I wrote the song Perfect Bitch about Kim."

Rapper 50 Cent had a little more to say about the song than Kanye did in his mysteriously deleted tweet. He told XXL, "I mean...if that man feel like she's perfect, then she's perfect. He could mean it and you'll end up singing the words to it because he's Kanye." The rapper continued, "You know how it is? One man's trash is another man's treasure."

While the comments about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West seem like a low blow, 50 Cent did follow up by telling the magazine that he's not sure that a perfect woman exists.

"I'm not sure," he told the magazine. "The smartest guys I know have lost, being a bad judge in that area."

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As for which garbage Kanye West dumpster dove into for Kim Kardashian, the possibilities are endless. The reality starlet has been with a slew of men. Before finding herself in Kanye's arms, Kim was briefly! married to Kris Humphries. She also previously dated football star Reggie Bush, and has a sex tape out with the late Whitney Houston's ex boyfriend, Ray J.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been publicly dating since April. In early July, the couple passed their 72nd day as a couple, an impressive feat considering Kim's marriage to Kris Humphries lasted only that long.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have yet to fire a comment back at 50 Cent.

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