Kanye West Changes 'Theraflu' Title to 'Way Too Cold'
as changed the name of his latest song "Theraflu" which created much controversy upon its release earlier this month. The rapper is now calling the song "Way Too Cold" and changing the cover art to a bottle of milk.
West named the song after the cold medicine from big pharmacy firm Novartis. The company issued a statement later on, "We in no way endorse or approve of the references or use of the image and likeness of Theraflu in this manner."
It was not explained in his Twitter account and official site whether the med company forced him to change the title. Kanye cited the retitling as a "creative decision". He also removed the bottle of Theraflu on top of the naked, headless torso of a woman in . He replaced it with a bottle of cold milk.
Kanye may be doing Theraflu a favor with the title change but he has not pleased PETA. The lyrics of the song that bashes the organization remain intact so far. He raps in the song,"Tell PETA my mink is dragging on the floor." PETA responded, "What's draggin' on the floor is Kanye's reputation as a man with no empathy for animals or human beings."
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