Six Similarities Between deadmau5 and Kanye West

One Rapper, One DJ, Two Massive Heads....

American rapper/mogul /media-attent ion grabbin' Kanye West could bro out with Canadian EDM/producer /DJ/mogul/med ia-attention grabbin' deadmau5 any day of the week.VIBE present six similarities between the two, Can you think of more?

1. Both Look to woodland creatures for mascots:

Kanye WestRemember Kanye Wests Dropout Bear?

2. Have been involved in celebrity controversie s and talk smack:Kanye West Taylor Swift

-Yo, Taylor! Imma let you finish, but - Kanye West infamous cameo at MTV Video Music Awards. Our personal favorite: George Bush doesn't care about black people... " #EPIC

-Even Skrillex isnt doing anything too technical. He has a laptop and a MIDI recorder, and hes just playing his shit People are, thank God, smartening up about who does what but theres still button-pushe rs getting paid half a million."- deadmau5 tells Rolling Stone. He laters adds, "You want to be hip and cool and funky grandma?," directed toward Madonna.

3. Dated girls who have posed in Playboy:

Kanye, deadmau5

Until September 2011, deadmau5 was living with American model and October 2009s Playboy Playmate of the Month Lindsey Evans. Kim Kardashian posed for the cover of Playboys December 2007 issue.

4. Have their own clothing line:deadmau5

deadmau5 has just released his exclusive line of clothing titled Neffmau5. Kanye West premiered his fashion label DW Kanye We! st at Pa ris Fashion week in October 2011.

5. Performed at CoachellaCoachella, Kanye West, deamau5

Kanye closed the festival in 2011. deadmau5 performed there the year before.

6. Never originally intended to be in the music industry:Kanye, deadmau5

-Let me start by admittingI did not grow up in the EDM scene. I dont consider my career to be about being a DJ. I dont have DJ roots. deadmau5.-West attended art class at the American Academy of Art in Chicago before dropping out to focus on his music career.

What else do the mau5 and Ye have in common?
