'Mrs. Kanye West' takes no-jail plea deal in Manhattan court

Mrs. Kanye West in court today.

Steven Hirsch

Mrs. Kanye West in court today.

Kanye West -- not the internationally-known hip hop star, but a 28-year-old street performer who legally changed her name to his -- caused a stir in Manhattan Criminal Court today, just by virtue of being listed on the court docket.

"Kanye! For real? What time?" defendants checking the docket posted outside a second floor courtroom squealed throughout the morning.

"I call myself 'Mrs. Kanye West,'" the former Linda Resa told reporters after coming to court dressed in head-to-toe pink and copping a no jail plea for throwing an amplifier through an Office Depot window on Broadway in Times Square last September.

"I have an anger problem a little bit," explained West, who travels between New York and Chicago performing songs by the original Kanye and Beyonce -- whose name she chose not to adopt because, "I don't want to sleep with Beyonce."

"He's OK with it," she said of Kanye and her decision last year to adopt his name, which she also has tattooed on her arm, her chest and -- in four inch high letters -- on her posterior. "He said as long as I act like a lady it's OK," she said of Kanye, who she said she met at a talent competition in Chicago in '05.

As for Kim Kardashian, "I hate her," West said. "I don't think she deserves him." West will stay out of jail provided she completes 100 hours of community service in Chicago.
