Kanye West and Kim Kardashian: Are They for Real?
Kim, a woman remarkable for her ability to sell weight loss products and hair removal systems, found her lucrative licensing empire in danger as her popularity sank to all-time lows. Her mother-manager Kris Jenner went on the defensive, orchest! rating f lattering photo ops (Kim serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless... in full makeup) and insisting that the monetary equivalent of the wedding gifts Kim received (among them a brand new white Ferrari) would be donated to charity. Finally, Kim vowed to live a life less public, telling Cosmopolitan UK in March, [As] I get older and go through certain things, it's made me want to be more of a private person."
So whys she making out with Kanye West in front of the cameras?
Kim and Kanye were a thing before they ever gave any indication of being a thing. For years, it had been rumored the longtime friends were secret lovers; Wests ex-girlfriend, hip-hop fem-bot Amber Rose, alleged the rapper had cheated on her with the reality television star, who was dating Reggie Bush at the time.Neither Kim nor Kanye commented on the rumorsperhaps because they were just waiting to do it up big. In April, Kanye released Way Too Cold (ne Theraflu"), a collaboration with DJ Khaled that confirmed the juicy tabloid speculation with a simple rhyme: Ill admit I fell in love with Kim / Around the same time she fell in love with him. They were pictured on a very public outing to F.A.O. Schwarz the same day, and quickly landed a portmanteau: Kimye.
Given the hype, it's hard not to wonder if all of this is for the sake of the flashbulbs. These two certainly know their best angles. But here's the thing: This is about as real a relationship as a reality star and a rapper could ever have. The flashbulbs are their reality.
Kim's career hinges entirely on having a marketable personal life, as evidenced by the backlash she faced when she filed for divorce. She rose to fame because of her bedroom activities (ahem, Ray-J), and must continue to live her life out! in fron t of the cameras if she's to remain relevant. A tabloid creature by profession, Kim needs someone equally compelling in order to sustain the airbrushed Hollywood fantasy she presents season after season on E!. Luckily, Kanye's not averse to oversharing, and will be featured in some capacity on the upcoming season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.Kanye's relationship with the media is more complicated than Kim's, to say the least. He doesn't often give interviews about his private life, preferring to spill via the occasional Twitter rant or via rap verse now that he's no longer blowing up RSS feeds with his LEGENDARY ALL CAPS BLOG POSTS. Perhaps it's because he's uncomfortable with relinquishing editorial control; With Kim, he gets to direct the media coverage with obviously staged photos and eyebrow-raising verses alluding to marriage. He also gets the ultimate fashion plate: He's already outfitted his alleged lady love in pieces from his burgeoning fashion label, in
cluding a ghastly pair of $6,000 sandals. Free advertising.We'll never know for sure if Kim and Kanye truly love each other, but they do love attention, which could easily sustain them for at least 72 days of photo-friendly bliss. And if this is a stunt relationship, it might be the Best Stunt Relationship of All Time. That has to count for something.See more Kim Kardashian photos:Related Articles:
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